Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The FINAL Update! (?)

Because we get up so early in the morning and then travel all day this may be the final update. Please do not worry if you do not see another post until we get back. I hope you have all enjoyed seeing these daily updates!

If I get a chance at the airport to add anything I will.

Back at our Host School!

We just an hour ago arrived back at our host school in Ludwigshafen. our hosts held a very touching and warm reception for us and to say goodbye, as we are leaving very early in the morning for the airport. Our hosts could not have been more gracious and kind (as always)! They had an incredible spread of food for us, gave each of us a gift and sang us a departing song. we will really miss the great times that we have had with them.

Tomorrow we begin the journey back home. It has been a fantastic trip and everyone has had such a great time. Here are a few photos from today's adventures in Stuttgart.

Random Photo Update #2

As I prepare for a day of sightseeing in Stuttgart I thought I would try to add a few random photos from our trip that for whatever reason did not yet make it into the blog. Here they are in no particular order.

The flowering tree near the school in close up.

Another group photo outside the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Mr. Schut says "let's go!"

Walking to the restaurant in Strasbourg.

The view from the top of the Cathedral in Strasbourg.

The view atop the Speyer Dom.

Bicycles and Flowers in Heidelberg.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Strasbourg Cathedral - the climb down.

A short video of the stairs down the Cathedral.

Photos from Speyer (Sunday)

Please enjoy these great photos from Scott Rosenfeld taken at our Mass performance at the Speyer Dom (cathedral) on Sunday.

After the Mass we moved over to the Trinity Church (wood church).

...then relaxed a bit...

...and then got ready for our next concert...

After a brief rehearsal we took a tour of the grounds and Church.

The Concert was VERY well-received!